What to Expect
After receiving a referral from your primary care provider, UCLA will contact you to make an appointment for the lung cancer screening clinic. Prior to the visit, you will speak with one of our administrative specialists who will assist you in filling out a Lung Questionnaire, and will discuss lung screening eligibility.
During your visit, you will meet with a Nurse Practitioner specialized in smoking cessation and lung cancer screening. Smoking cessation counseling and resources will be provided and follow up appointments will be made as necessary. The Nurse Practitioner will conduct a Shared Decision Making discussion and if you wish to undergo screening, an order will be placed.

Once your low-dose CT scan is completed, the results will be sent to you and your primary care physician. You will also get a call from our clinic staff informing you of the results and discussing follow up plans.
Our multidisciplinary specialists will meet each week and review concerning findings found on screening scans to assist with providing the best individualized plan of care for each patient. If any further procedures or scans are recommended, you will be contacted and proper referrals will be made.
Follow up studies will be done depending on the results of the scan in conjunction with the current national recommendations, and follow up appointments for smoking cessation visits will also be provided.